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Created January, 1996
Well, this is a start. I'm learning how to do the "web.html" thing.
So, here's my first effort to share some pictures and captions of a recent
family trip. I'm going to start with just a small offering and keep growing
it. By the time it's worthy of a look maybe some members of my family will
have web access to view it.
Last September (1995) the Family Auciello (of the Alfred Sr. branch)
went on a journey to the birthplace of its parents (Lynch, Kentucky) with
said parents in tow. The following are some digitized photos from that
junket. As soon as I figure out how to do it, you will be able to download
these pictures to your computer via the FTP service.
Are you ready?................... Click here to
visit Lynch Kentucky with us..
Click here if you would like to send
me E-mail to comment on this web site.
Thanks ! --Tom